Pine Room Spray


I have made this the last two years after Christmas to keep the bathroom smelling good. It is also a great way to recycle your pine/ fir trees and learn to appreciate the fallen needles. I scoop as many needles as I can get and soak them in cheap vodka and let them sit for about a month. You can let it sit as long or as short as you like, just make sure to check on it every week to see how potent of smell you like. I find that the longer it sits, the sweeter the liquid smells. I have done this with lavender and sage and have good results too, but trees are my favourite smell by far! I have made sprays with essential oils and they are much different than this one. Those are a more crisp, defined scent because the essential oil is much stronger. These are also awesome to use as a bathroom spray, but this has it’s own charm and requires less money on oils. All you need is a real Christmas tree or a branch from outside.


Pine Bathroom Spray

2 cups pine/ fir needles

4 cups vodka

Place needles and vodka in a glass jar and let sit for 3-6 weeks, or until desired smell.

Place in a spray bottle and use when needed

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