My #1 Tip For Productivity

Don’t be a procrastinating Patti!

Hands up if you have an ongoing to-do list that just grows and grows (like Jack’s magic bean stock). I am guilty for this! It seems that it is always the most boring, labour intensive tasks that take the longest to do, that remain on the list. However, they are usually the most important tasks. I have been trying to hack myself into getting more done in less time so that my to-do list does not haunt me at 3am anymore.


If you are like me, I LOVE lists. I use them at work, before bed, in the kitchen doing meal prep and I even make lists to make lists (usually of food for a client). However, there are some tasks that can be done right away that don’t even need to make it to your list. And THIS my friends, is my #1 tip for productivity!


Don’t hesitate, don’t write it down three times over the week thinking that you will get it done. Just get. It. Done. Most tasks on your list can be done in under five minutes and we spend so much time stressing and thinking about not having time to do the task, when really, we do. I started implementing this into my life and I have been knocking it out of the park. When I think of something I need to do, I do it. It’s that simple.

I find this especially important when connecting with clients and friends. Reaching out when you have the urge to can really make someones’ day and means more to people than you may think. Especially during these pandemic times when we have so many restrictions and event cancellations, we do not get to see our friends and family the way we use to. And I feel like people are losing connection with each other more and more with social media so it really means something to know that you have friends that are thinking of you. I think about my friends and family all the time, but how are they to know I care without letting them know. Let’s all be honest here, how many times have you though “ oh, I should call my grandparents” and yet 3 months later, here you are. It is these moments that are crucial to accomplishing tasks, making lasting connections and increasing productivity in the long run. If you can switch your process from a thought to and action, you’re in business.

So I urge you to notice the next time you have a task to complete and get it done right away! You will be amazed at how much you can actually get done when you just start acting. You can also prioritize tasks as a stepping stone. When you’re making your to-do list, start with the easy tasks that you can knock off right away. Completing small tasks gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep accomplishing tasks. It also prove to yourself that it doesn’t need to take that much time to get things done. Doing the dishes doesn’t have to be a whole event, just get it done and move on.

There are obviously some things you can’t do at that moment - like if you’re away from home or don’t have the proper supplies. However, most times you have a minute or two to pay your bill online or make a quick call. I have been using my time in the morning better by doing the dishes and tidying up while my tea steeps. I urge you to do the same. If you think of something you need to do that won’t take much time, just do it! (Nike is on to something).

Brook LekopoyComment