Golden Milk Focus Powder


Golden milk is one of my favourite elixirs. It is packed with superfoods like cinnamon, ginger and turmeric that help ease the mind and body. In this recipe I add even more beneficial superfoods like collagen, maca and lion’s mane mushroom powder. If these words are all new to you, please read on as I explain the benefit of each, and why I love to add them into my daily routine.

Collagen is something I talk about and recommend ALL the time. It is my favourite protein supplement because (i) it is flavourless and can be added to anything (ii) it is made from animals and therefore, our bodies recognize it and easily absorb it (iii) it helps repair and integrate into 90% of the proteins in our body. This means it is beneficial for hair, skin, nails, joints, intestinal health, ligaments and bone health, to name a few. As we age, collagen gets harder to produce, while at the same time, becoming easier to breakdown. This is one of the contributors to sagging skin, weaker bones and more joint pain as we age. I take collagen as a protective measure against aging and to help with joints and ligaments during marathon training. My favourite way to consume collagen is through tasty lattes and elixirs like this one. By adding it into the powder recipe, you will never accidentally forget to add it to your drink - it’s already there!

Maca is gaining popularity these days for its hormone stabilizing effects. It comes from Peru and is a root that tastes slightly nutty and earthy. Maca is known for increasing fertility and libido in men and stabilizing menopause effects in women. It can also be used to increase moisture in menopausal women, if things are starting to dry out “down there”. Maca is also widely used in Peru for its energizing effects and why some call it Peruvian ginseng. I have been to Peru and they often use maca with chocolate (in bars or as hot cocoa) which is super delicious and very energizing. Lastly, maca has been shown to improve brain function (1), by increasing learning and memory in rodents with impairments (2). For this reason, I have included maca in the recipe as the goal of this mix is to increase brain function and focus. Maca and lion’s mane mushroom together are very good for cognition, so a cup of this magic milk before an interview or an important work session can be very beneficial.

Lion’s Mane is a mushroom that is white and grows large to resemble a lion’s mane, hence the name. It is one of the leading medicinal (not magical) mushrooms in the health world right now for cognition and focus. Some studies show that lion’s mane in particular, can stimulate nerve growth and improve memory (3). It is also helpful for healing brain injury and benefits those with Parkinson’s Disease (4), as it promotes growth in areas that may have been affected. Lion’s mane can also have benefits on memory and therefore, can be useful for those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (5). I take lion’s mane before a long day in clinic where I need to be on the top of my game and have my brain sharp. I honestly wish I knew about this mushroom when I was in university so I could take it before exams to stay focused. Aaand to counteract the effects of a bad diet and alcohol.. let’s be honest.


In this recipe, I recommend using a small sift if your coconut milk powder is chunky. If you add in the hot water and there are still chunks, they sometimes do not breakdown very well and just sit on top (due to the fat in coconut). It will also make sure that you get a uniform flavour every time because all of the ingredients will be relatively the same size. I also like to blend mine in a blender because I like the frothiness of an elixir, but feel free to just stir into your favourite mug with hot water.

You can find coconut milk powder, maca, collagen, lion’s mane and vanilla bean powder on Amazon or likely in your local health food store. I like to use Real Mushrooms Lion’s Mane or any other organic company you can find. You can use a powder form or just open a few capsules - they are usually the exact same product.


Golden Milk focus Powder


¼ cup coconut milk powder

½ tsp vanilla bean powder

1 tbsp turmeric

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp ground cinnamon

2 tbsp sweetener of choice - monk fruit, cane sugar, date sugar (optional)

⅛ tsp black pepper

pinch sea salt

1 tsp maca powder

1-2 tbsp grass-fed collagen

1 tsp lions mane powder


  1. Sift all ingredients together and stir until evenly distributed.

  2. To make: use 1-2 tbsp of powder with 1 cup boiling water and stir well. I also like to add 2 tbsp warm nut milk and blend for a creamier beverage.

    ** if you do not add a powdered sweetener, you can add stevia drops, honey or maple syrup afterwards. Or leave unsweetened if you prefer.





