Curried Beet Soup


I love beets!! They are one of the prettiest and healthiest vegetables out there. The problem I hear the most with beets is “how do I cook them?”. They have a very unique flavour and for that reason, not everyone loves them. However, there are a few ways to make beets more appealing.

  1. Add complementing flavours like thyme, dill, curry, allspice and mint.

  2. Combine with other vegetables like potatoes, carrots and onions.

  3. Make it into a dip or spread. Try this beet hummus recipe.

  4. Cut it into smaller pieces or blend it as some people do not like the texture.

There are many health benefits of beets that make it worth the mess in the kitchen. They support many body systems, specifically the liver and the cardiovascular system. Beets contain a compound called nitric oxide (NO) that dilates blood vessels to help those with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. NO is also used by many athletes as a pre-workout to get more blood flowing to the muscles for better athletic performance. NO is also the compound that is increased in the body when you take Viagra, so for all you men out there that don’t want to eat beets, you may want to reconsider!

Beets contain another compound called betaine. Betalain acts as a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the body (1). This can influence the liver by protecting from oxidative damage and inflammation (2), all while increasing its natural detoxification enzymes. It can also have an influence on cognition, blood vessel flexibility and overall inflammation in the body. The antioxidant phytochemical powerhouses included ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phenolic acids and flavonoids which are great for anti-aging and overall health.


Curried Beet Soup


2 tsp coconut oil

1 med onion - diced

2 cloves garlic - minced

1 inch ginger - minced

4 cups beets - diced

2 cups potatoes - diced

2 cups beet greens - finely chopped

2 jalapenos - finely chopped

6-7 cups vegetable or chicken broth

1 can coconut milk

3 tbsp curry powder

2 tsp cumin

1 tsp cardamom

2 tsp sea salt

1 tsp black pepper


  1. Heat coconut oil over medium heat in a large pot or dutch oven. Add in onion and saute for 1 minute. Add in garlic, ginger, curry powder, cumin and cardamom and saute another 2-3 minutes or until spices become fragrant.

  2. Add in beets, potatoes and jalapeno and cover pot to cook for ~5 minutes.

  3. Add in broth, salt and pepper and simmer for ~30 minutes.

  4. Add in beet greens and coconut milk and cook additional 10 minutes. You can take half of the soup and blend it for a creamier soup if you like, but this is an optional step. Taste and add more salt and pepper if needed.

  5. Serve with additional coconut milk if desired.


