Charcoal Lavender Lemonade

This may look strange.. but it has some great health benefits! Charcoal helps reduce bloating and detox the body. Activated charcoal is actually used in hospitals and vets still to help bind toxins during an overdose, overconsumption of alcohol or if your pet got into something it shouldn’t have. Charcoal products are popping up all over the place now in toothpaste, face masks and now in supplements. Just make sure to use food grade charcoal in this recipe like the one from Detox Organics so you don’t add toxins to your body.

Charcoal can also help with bloating if you experience that often. The porous structure of charcoal helps grab excess gas in the digestive system and excrete it for a flatter tummy.

Lastly, this is the perfect drink to finish off the day if you’ve had a few too many backyard beers. Charcoal can actually reduce alcohol absorption that is still in the stomach, so it could be a great supplement to have in your Arsenal if you tend to have a few too many drinks than you need to…you know who you are!

Charcoal Lavender Lemonade

½ cup lemon juice
¼ cup maple syrup or 1/4 tsp monk fruit extract syrup
4 capsules @DetoxOrganics charcoal
4 cups filtered water or 3 cups water + 1 cup strong lavender tea
Whisk all ingredients together and enjoy over ice.