Creamy Miso Cilantro Dressing


This dressing was created as a last minute item, but ended up being delicious! It pairs with a variety of cuisines which makes it very versatile to have on hand.

I have been doing lots of cream sauces with cashews lately and I am LOVING them! Check out this vegan mac and cheese or this Kaledorf salad if you want some more cashew cream recipes. These are the reasons I have cashews on hand all the time now for sauces:

1) They are creamy

2) The emulsify and cover salads really well

3) They are super quick to make

4) All you have to have on hand are cashews and some spices so you don’t have to worry about milks going sour

Cashews make a great base for salad dressings that you can add your own flavours to, to match the dish. When building a dressing, always include an acid (ACV, lime, lemon, white vinegar, balsamic), a saIt (sea salt, miso, coconut aminos, tamari), a fat (cashew butter, olive oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, tahini) and spices (galric, thyme, cilantro, pepper). I had some cilantro on hand that I had to use up so that was thrown in and some fresh miso to add some salt. WARNING: if you are new to miso, start with a blonde and work your way into darker, older ferments. The blonde miso goes very well in dressings because it is not over-powering but does add a good flavour. As for the acid, you could mix this up with lime instead of lemon and I think it would pari very well. I am a lemon person so I have them on hand all the time, if you’re a lime person, use lime! The idea here is that you can make a delicious creamy dressing with some simple ingredients found around your home. Its always good to have a go-to base dressing and this is a good one to know.


Creamy Miso Cilantro Dressing


1 tbsp cashew butter

¼ cup cilantro

1 garlic clove

3 tbsp lemon juice

1.5 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp light miso

pinch of sea salt

¼ tsp black pepper

Water to thin (~⅓ cup)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bender and blend until smooth.

  2. Add more water to thin if needed