Buckwheat Croutons


Buckwheat is a great alternative to wheat if you are going gluten-free because even though it has wheat in it’s name, it does not actually contain any wheat. It is actually related to the rhubarb family so safe for celiac and sensitivities. Other names you might know it by is kasha, as seen in cereals or soba, as seen in noodles. Buckwheat is a grain and a great source of complex carbohydrates that you can mix into your diet. It is used in sweet dishes like buckwheat pancakes or muffins (like these) and savoury recipes like these croutons. It is also packed with protein, fibre, B vitamins, potassium, lysine, phosphorus, vitamin E, calcium and iron. You will also find a phytochemical called rutin in buckwheat which is great for strengthening blood vessels. This may be beneficial for those with varicose veins or arteriosclerosis.

As for the croutons, feel free to season these with whatever herbs you prefer. I used oregano, thyme and garlic, but I am sure rosemary or dill would be delicious. The bread itself is very good but it is quite overpowering for a sandwich, so I recommend using the bread in smaller doses as a flavour enhancer. It is good on a slider if you are making a bite size app with lots of flavour or in a crouton to add heartiness and substance to a salad. These croutons can take a side salad into a dinner salad because they fill you up and and have tons of nutrition. I would add goat cheese, crispy chickpeas and mushrooms to this to really beef it up into a meal. But be creative and enjoy!


Garlic Herb Buckwheat Bread + Croutons


1¾ cup cashew milk

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2½ cups buckwheat flour

1 tsp salt

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp oregano

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp black pepper

2 cloves garlic - minced


1 tbsp olive oil

1/4 tsp sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 375F and line a loaf pan with parchment paper

  2. Combine apple cider vinegar and nut milk and let sit

  3. Combine buckwheat flour, salt, baking powder, thyme, oregano and black pepper in a bowl and stir to evenly distribute spices

  4. Combine the milk mixture and the buckwheat mixture to form a thick dough. Pour into loaf pan and spread evenly and into corners

  5. Top with the minced garlic and bake for ~45 minutes

  6. Let cool before slicing. You can use the bread now as is, but it will dry quickly so croutons are a great option for the day after.

  7. Croutons: Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Slice loaf into small cubes (1-2cm cubes) and add to hot pan to let brown. Sprinkle with extra sea salt while toasting all sides of the croutons.

  8. Top you favourite salad with croutons, I love a hearty kale salad with these!