Cherry Vanilla Banana Ice Cream

Banana ice cream has changed my dessert game! It is extremely tasty, easy to make and super inexpensive. I like to get ripe bananas in the discount bin, take them home and process them right away. This means that I peel them, cut them into 1 inch pieces and freeze them flat. I them transfer them into a freezer bag and save for later. Just make sure to freeze them flat so they do not stick together and make lumps in your ice cream. You can also use these banana slices in smoothies or other recipes. The only other key to this recipe is having a high speed blender (like a vita-mix) or a food processor. A regular blender will require more liquid to fully blend and will leave you with more of a drink than an ice cream.

You can flavour whatever way you like, I have made it with peanut butter and cocoa powder as well and it’s off the charts! I had cherries from my trees so I made a fruity one this time. You can also just do plain banana if you want to keep it simple and add to your favourite pie or crisp.

Cherry Vanilla Banana Ice Cream

2 bananas - sliced and frozen
¼ cup coconut cream
¼ tsp vanilla bean powder
⅓ cup cherries - pitted and sliced
1. Place frozen bananas and coconut cream in a food processor or high speed blender and blend until smooth. Add in vanilla bean powder and blend.
2. Add in cherries and pulse to combine.

3. Place in lined loaf pan and let chill for ~2 hours and enjoy!
** can eat straight up too, but it is more like a frosty