Carrot Cake Chia Pumpkins

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Just in time for Halloween!! These are energy balls full of healthy fats and spices that will fill you up much better than those candy packets will. They have carrots for fibre and beta carotene, chia seeds for omegas and even more fibre and anti-inflammatory turmeric for overall health. You do not have to make these into pumpkins at all, they also make great carrot cake energy bites just skip out on the shaping. It is always key to have healthy snacks on hand, especially around halloween or other holidays with temping foods around. Eating something rich in proteins, fats and fibres will stabilize your blood sugar and fill you up to make sure you are not reaching for many sugary snacks. A huge influx of sugar will only lead to higher spikes in insulin and lower drops, which leads to fatigue and irritability. These lows will also have you reaching for more sugar and continuing the roller coaster cycle of blood sugar and mood.

I recommend making a large batch and keeping these in the fridge or freezer for snacks on the go or to add a little more substance after a light salad. The chia seeds also make for a great pre-workout snack as they have been used my many ancient cultures to fuel long distance runs. Alternatively, post-workout chia seeds are key with their anti-inflammatory omega 3s, fats and proteins to speed recovery times. So enjoy these snacks any time and fuel your life and your little trick-or-treaters!

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Carrot Cake Chia “Pumpkins”


½ cup each dates and apricots

¾ quinoa flakes or oats

½ cup coconut flakes

⅓ cup carrot packed - grated finely

2 tbsp flax - ground

1 tsp fresh ginger - grated

½ tsp turmeric

pinch nutmeg and clove and sea salt

½ cup white chia seeds

1 tbsp coconut oil

½ cup walnuts

Roll in

2 tbsp coconut flour

½ tsp beet or cranberry powder

½-¾ tsp turmeric

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds or rosemary for garnish


  1. In a food processor blend the dates and apricots for about 30 seconds or until broken up well

  2. Add in remaining ingredients and blend on low until a paste forms

  3. Shape into balls about and inch diameter

  4. Combine the coconut flour, turmeric and cranberry powder and roll balls in orange mixture until lightly coated

  5. Using a toothpick or something similar, make lines on the balls and top with a pumpkin seed or rosemary

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