Fire Cider


Cold and flu season is just around the corner and this fire cider is just what you need to keep those nasty bugs at bay. It is packed with immune boosting superfoods like garlic, turmeric, ginger, horseradish, parsley, thyme, chile peppers and citrus.

Garlic is a major anti-microbial and has very potent antioxidant properties. It is great at treating infections, detoxifying heavy metals and reducing fungal overgrowth in the gut.

Turmeric is the master anti-inflammatory herb that also supports the liver, digestive system and blood vessels. It is great for reducing joint swelling in arthritis and brain inflammation for better cognition, less headaches or recovering from TBIs

Ginger is another super immune food that has great benefits on digestion and easing nausea. It is also anti-bacterial and speeds healing of wounds and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. It is very warming and calming, so if you are already sick and can help ease an upset stomach

Horseradish protects against cancer, helps loosen mucus and aids in digestion and blood sugar balancing. It is a member of the cruciferous family so it also has liver protecting properties

Parsley is used in detoxification and stimulates the secretion of urine, which eliminates toxins from the body

Thyme is a great anti-septic herb and can be used in treating lots of oral and upper respiratory tract infections. It is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory which helps keeps your immune system strong

Chili peppers, like cayenne, habanero and jalapeno, contain the compound capsaicin which helps clear the sinuses and increase circulation, allowing more white blood cells to get to a site of infection

Citrus contains high levels of vitamin C which is (in my opinion) the most important vitamin needed for immunity. It helps form lymphocytes which are your body’s defence system against invaders. Since vitamin C is water soluble, excess is excreted in the urine daily and therefore, needs to be consumed daily

Taking a teaspoon of fire cider (along with other vitamin C rich vegetables like bel peppers and broccoli) will give the resources your body needs to fight off invaders and keep you healthy


Once you have all your immune boosting superfoods in your jar, they get bathed in apple cider vinegar and left to marinate for 6 weeks. Apple cider vinegar is great for breaking up mucus and contains good bacteria that help support the immune system. As the vinegar sits with all of the other ingredients, it helps to break down the food products and release some juices filled with nutrition. After the 6 weeks this liquid is strained and you have a (very strong) immune boosting tonic.


Fire Cider


5 cloves garlic - sliced

1/2 large purple onion - diced

1/4 cup ginger - peeled and grated

1/3 cup fresh turmeric - peeled and grated

1/2 cup fresh horseradish - peeled and grated

2 serrano peppers - sliced*

1 med orange - sliced

1 lemon or lime - sliced

3 tbsp fresh rosemary

3 tbsp fresh thyme

1/2 cup fresh parsley - chopped

1 tbsp black peppercorns

3+ cups of apple cider vinegar

1/4 cup raw honey


  1. Place all ingredients except ACV and honey in a quart sized jar

  2. Cover with ACV until completely covered and mix well. Seal the jar and store for 4-6 weeks making sure to shake around every few days

  3. Strain the mixture and add in raw honey to taste. Store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 1 year

  4. Take as a daily preventative measure for colds and double up when you feel a cold coming on

*can use habanero, jalapeno or other spicy chile pepper