Keto Monster Cookies


Every year Halloween is so heavily based on candy and sugar and I wanted to find a way to make it fun and healthy. These cookies can be done with kids and decorated with nuts, seeds and dried fruit rather than with sprinkles and milk chocolate. Everything is egg-free, dairy-free, gluten free and mostly sugar-free (except the eye ball!). If you are full keto sub in the eyeballs for keto chocolate and stick to seeds and coconut for decorating. I also made these with gluten free cookies if there is a nut allergy or sensitivity!

Another bonus is that there is no added artificial colours and chemicals that irritate the gut and immune system. I used a mix of turmeric, cranberry powder and spirulina (blue- green algae) to get a fun spread of colours. So many kids are sensitive to artificial colour, flavour and scents and these just add to the toxin load children are already surrounded with. The higher the toxin load the lower the threshold for sickness, and no one likes being sick - especially on Halloween. So swap out your red #4 and yellow #5 dyes for something more natural and even with health benefits and have happy families to celebrate the fall festivities.

Keto “Sugar” Cookies


3 tbsp ghee - at room temperature

3 tbsp coconut oil

⅓ cup powdered xylitol - blend xylitol in a blender until it is powder

1 tsp vanilla

1 flax egg

1 tsp psyllium

¼ tsp xanthan gum

1 cup almond flour

⅓ cup coconut flour


  1. Combine ghee and coconut oil in a bowl. Add in flax egg and vanilla

  2. Top with psyllium, xanthin gum, almond and coconut flour

  3. Roll in plastic wrap into a log and place in fridge for 20-30 minutes to firm

  4. Preheat oven to 350ºF

  5. Unroll log and slice into ½ inch thick cookies. Place onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes

  6. Let cool completely before removing from pan and icing

Coconut White Chocolate Glaze


¼ cup cacao butter - melted over double boiler

½ cup coconut milk powder

½ cup powdered xylitol

1-2 tbsp water 


Cranberry or beet powder - red

Spirulina - blue

turmeric - yellow

Spirulina + turmeric - green


  1. Melt cacao butter over double broiler

  2. Whisk in coconut milk powder and powdered xylitol

  3. Add in a little water to thin and smooth out icing

  4. Separate (if using multiple colours) and add in 1/2 -1 tsp of colouring depending on how prominent you would like your colour

  5. Top with various dried fruit, coconut, seeds or nuts to make monster faces.

    ** The eyeballs are 100% made of sugar so omit for totally sugar free. You could use keto chocolate chips instead
