Kale Pesto


Presto! You got pesto.

This recipe is very easy to make even though it looks fancy and exotic. All you need is a food processor and 5 minutes.

Kale is all over the place now in the health world and for good reason. It is a hearty green filled with protein, vitamin A, vitmain C, B6, iron and fibre! I like to have kale and spinach on hand at all times and mix in other hearty greens for fun. Kale is also white easy to grow in the garden and since it is so hardy, it can actually last over winter is some climates. This is a take on the classic basil pesto that is nut-free. Basil is also white nutrient dense but kale contains great liver protecting sulphur compounds. Kale is also much more accessible now a days and you don’t actually even need that much to make a great pesto.

I used pumpkin seeds because I don’y do great with some nuts. You could also use sunflower seeds or sun butter with great results.

This is a vegan recipe so so the “cheesy” flavour, add in some nutritional yeast. This will also add some more B vitamins to the mix and especially B12, which can be deficient in many vegan diets.


Kale Pesto


1 clove garlic

3 tbsp lemon juice

2 1/2 cups kale

1/4 cup pumpkin seeds - lightly toasted

2 tbsp nutritional yeast

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

1/2 cup olive oil


  1. Place all ingredients into food processor except olive oil and blend for 30-60 seconds

  2. Add in olive oil and blend for another 2 minutes or until smooth