Halloween Dog Cookies

These we so fun to make and can actually be eaten by humans, minus the kibbel!!

I have had so much fun being Tilley’s personal Nutritionist (whether she knows it or not). She has has bone broth and omega-3’s from day 1 with us and I give her a multivitmain and homemade dehydrated fish snacks regularly. I made these cookies for her and her dog friends for Halloween so they could have a treat too. They’re made with pumpkin, which is rich in soluble fibre to help ease a puppy’s tummy and make bowel movements smooth. Peanut butter adds some healthy fats and protein and I used coconut flour to make them grain-free. Tilley doesn’t do great with grains, she gets itchy, so I try and keep her snacks gran-free too. Lastly, the cinnamon and ginger offer some tummy calming effects to make sure everything is digested.

You can use this recipe to make jack-o-lanters or pumpkins or whatever creative spooky shape you can think of. Enjoy!

Halloween Dog Cookies

½ cup pumpkin puree
½ natural peanut butter
1 egg
1 tbsp coconut oil
¼ cup arrowroot powder + more for rolling
¾ cup coconut flour
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ground ginger
decorations: pumpkin seeds, kibble, dried liver
1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth.
2. Dust counter with arrowroot powder and roll out dough to 1/4 inch thickness.
3. Using a small lid from a jar or cookie cutter, cut into circles and place on lined baking sheet. Use a toothpick for make pumpkin lines, kibble/ dried liver for jack-o-lantern face and pumpkin seeds for the stem.
4. Bake at 350 for 13-16 mins. Let cool and let your doggo enjoy!