Coconut Pecan Squares

I have been using so much aquafaba lately and this is one on my favourite ways to incorporate it in. Aquafaba is the liquid strained from beans (usually chickpeas) and is used as an egg white substitute. I have been making so many chickpea dough bites for the holidays and I have aquafaba on tap right now. I have also made a vegan mayo with it that turned out great and I am experimenting with a meringue recipe as well. For now though, these coconut pecan squares are a hit at the holiday parties. No one even knows its sugar-free and vegan!


Coconut Pecan Squares


1½ cups ground pecans

⅓ cup ghee

⅓ cup aquafaba - whipped

1 tsp stevia 

1 tsp vanilla

½ cup sweetened condensed coconut milk*

2½ cups coconut flakes

½ cup almond flour

¼ cup chocolate chips + ¼ cup + coconut oil for top


  1. Preheat oven to 350F

  2. Melt ghee and combine with ground pecans. Press into an 8x8 square cake pan. Sprinkle with ¼ cup chocolate chips

  3. Whip the aquafaba to stiff peaks and add in vanilla extract and stevia. Fold in the sweetened condensed milk

  4. Fold in coconut flakes and almond flour

  5. Spread over pecan base to an even layer and bake for 45 minutes

  6. Melt the remaining chocolate chips and coconut oil and drizzle over the top

  7. Let cool completely (I let mine freeze) before slicing

    *To make sugar-free sweetened condensed coconut milk simmer full fat coconut milk with ½ cup monk fruit or xylitol and simmer for about 30 minutes or until thickened. Let cook before using