Chia Greens Balls


This is the perfect snack for the adventurer in your life. They pack quite small and stay sturdy in your pocket or lunch kit, so they are good on the go. They are also jam packed with nutrition to keep you fuelled through activities. I invented these while trying to make a chia seed snack that actually stayed together and didn’t have you finding cemented chia seeds all over the place after eating. I also wanted to incorporate a greens powder into some energy bites because greens are so dense with vitamins and minerals that they make a perfect non-caffeinated pick-me-up. Lets take a look at the nutrition in here.

Medjool Dates - great source of glucose to replenish glycogen stores after prolonged activity. Dates are also packed with fibre so you get a steady flow of glucose into the bloodstream over time = steady stream of energy over time. I like this slow replenish better than huge spikes in glucose that can lead to a crash afterwards. If you are doing more sprinting, you may need a quicker source of glucose (like honey) but for your casual weekend hike, snowshoe or ski, these are perfect.

Cashew Butter - packed with healthy fats and proteins, these are great for sustained energy. You can also sub coconut manna (butter) for a nut-free version. The coconut also supplies great fats for long term energy and some medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that have been shown to help reduce the build up of lactic acid to keep your muscles going longer and stronger.

Coconut Flakes - please use unsweetened and the only ingredient should be coconut. Like the coconut butter, these flakes will provide healthy fats and MCT oil for energy.

Chia Seeds - these are an endurance athlete’s secret weapon. They are full of healthy fibres to keep you full and slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream, and again sustained energy. They have healthy fats for energy, including a high percentage of anti-inflammatory omega-3s. As you exercise you create a low grade inflammation over the body from ripping muscles and moving joints and ligaments. Omega-3s make sure that you keep inflammation at bay and reduce pain due to inflammation (for all you arthritic folks). Chia seeds contain a decent amount of protein as well to help repair muscle tissue and fill you up. They also have the property to hold on to hydration, so if you are exercising in hot weather or sweating a lot, these are going to be useful. They will absorb a bit if water in digestion and therefore, keep some water in the body to be reabsorbed later in the colon. This can save you on super hot days when you run out of water very quickly.

Greens Powder - greens powder contains more than just greens usually. I like Whole Earth and Sea because they contain a variety of greens, fruits, vegetables and fungi. These plants are also fermented so digestion of this powder is easier on my body and is less likely to cause gas and bloating. Greens powders, no matter what brand, will always contain a great mix of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that is required during prolonged activity. Your body is moving and creating energy so these micronutrients get used up, and if not replaced, you can become very fatigued very quickly. There are B-vitamins for energy, iron to support red blood cells and oxygen supply and tons of vitamin C to combat exercise-induced oxidation. There is also sodium and potassium to replenish electrolytes that get lost in sweat. Even if you do not have these balls on hand during activity, I recommend keeping a greens powder on hand for after a workout to help speed recovery and keep you fuelled.

Chia Greens Balls


1 cup mejool dates – pitted

¼ cup cashew or macadamia butter

⅓  cup chia seeds

½ cup coconut

½ tsp vanilla extract

2 scoops greens powder – tropical flavour (I use Whole Earth and Sea)


  1. Place dates in the food processor and pulse to break down

  2. Add remaining ingredients and blend for around 30 seconds until well combined

  3. Roll into balls and enjoy immediately or store in fridge for up to a week