Chaga Dark Chocolate

I am always thinking of new ways to incorporate superfoods and adaptogens and an easy way is with chocolate and peanut butter. I mean Reeces had it right with this combo! You can use bakers dark chocolate or your favourite chocolate to melt but I like to make my own. This way I can control the amount of sugar or sweetener I put in and I find that it is cheaper to make large batches and save them for treats later on. I made a few that were just plain chocolate and some I added organic natural peanut butter and some have organic tahini. You could also sub in cashew butter or coconut butter and it would be equally delicious. You will just not get as many adaptogens per serving but you could always double the dose if you are filling half the mould with a butter.

Conversely, I would mix in 1 tsp of ashwaghanda to the nut or seed butter to double down on the adaptogens. That would be treating your adrenals and immune system with lots of love!


Benefits of chaga mushrooms

  • Adaptogen to help manage stress

  • Huge antioxidant properties

  • Protection against cancers

  • Increase immune function by stimulating white blood cells

  • Anti-inflammatory on joints and brain

  • Cardiovascular benefits like blood sugar balancing and LDL lowering

  • Loaded with minerals copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, potassium and iron

  • Rich in vitamins B and D

I like to add 1/2 tsp of powdered chaga to my french press if I am making coffee in the morning (mainly just on the weekends) and get the adaptogens from there. I find that having a little calming mushroom with caffeine filled coffee helps keep the jitters away but still gives me energy. I have also steeped chaga into a strong tea and kept it in the fridge to have on hand in the morning. Buuuuut, chocolate is always a great medium for health foods because it is so easy to consume… almost to easy. Luckily there are tons of great health benefits that come with cacao like antioxidants, magnesium, potassium and iron. So double down on antioxidants with these chaga dark chocolate hearts.


Chaga Dark Chocolate


⅓ cup cocoa butter (Organic Traditions)

1 tsp chaga mushroom powder

2 tbsp powdered monk fruit or xylitol or erythritol*

½ cup organic cocoa powder (Organic Traditions)

Optional: 2 tbsp peanut butter or tahini or cashew butter


  1. In a double broiler melt the cocoa butter to a liquid

  2. Whisk in remaining ingredients, except nut or seed butter until smooth

  3. Portion into moulds and add ½ tsp of nut or seed butter to the moulds if you desire

  4. Place in freezer to set

  5. Once solid, remove from freezer and enjoy

* If you do not have powdered sweetener, add some to a coffee grinder or blender and blend to a powder