Substitutes for Alcoholic Beverages

I use to drink a lot. It was normalized in my family and in my friend group so every time you go out to a restaurant or to a friends house it was considered polite to offer and accept an alcoholic beverage of some sort. As I get older and learn more and more about the effects of alcohol, my interest in boozy drinks is quickly declining. I also feel better with a clear head, a good sleep and I eat much healthier without the alcohol in my body (while drinking and the day after). It is however nice to have a tasty beverage at BBQ’s with friends or on weekend afternoons and I have compiled some alternative beverages to sip on this summer without the hangover, dehydration and liver overload. Many of these also have health benefits so it is not empty calories - it is bathing suit season for goodness sake!

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  1. Kombucha: fermented sweet tea that is bubbly and packed with probiotics. You can buy it or make your own! This is my fav and I drink this regularly. I make my own which is MUCH less expensive and you can mix up the tea and fruit you use to change the flavour.

  2. Virgin Caesar: everyone loves a good caesar! This is a good option because it is fun to make and you can spice it up, add pickled or fermented vegetables to it and they can be filling with a serving of veggies. Look for caesar mixes that are organic and made from real tomatoes instead of a concentrate for some lycopene and if using fermented vegetables as toppers, add a little juice into the drink for probiotics and flavour!

  3. Ginger Beer: commonly in the Moscow Mule, this can be enjoyed on its own or in a virgin version of the Mule. It is best to make your own, however that does take time. Homemade will have the benefit of probiotics and ginger is very healing to the digestive system. If it is not homemade you may still reap some of the benefits of ginger, however watch for high sugar levels in some ginger beer.

  4. Iced Tea: super easy to make and very refreshing on a hot day. Brew any type of tea you like, fruity, herbal, black or green are best iced. Add some fresh fruit or fresh lemon to for added vitamins and flavour. You can sweeten it up with stevia or xylitol if you feel the need, but unsweetened is delicious. Try black tea with peaches, green tea with lemon and mint or lemon tea with blueberries. Any flavoured tea will be delicious as well, you could even try an iced chai with coconut or almond milk.

  5. Virgin Mimosa: breakfast drinks without the sleepiness an hour later. Get fresh squeezed orange juice (vitamin C) and organic sparkling apple cider to mimic the champagne mimosa. If this is very sweet, do a third of soda water to keep the bubbles! Super easy and you can share it with your kids so they can feel classy AF too.

  6. Coconut Water: best enjoyed out of a young coconut on a beach somewhere foreign, but at home will also do just fine. Coconut water is full of electrolytes and hydration on those super steamy days. Try it on ice or add (frozen) strawberries, kiwis, limes, mint, raspberries, cucumber or whatever else you’re feeling. It is a very mild flavour so it acts as a good base, however since it has electrolytes and some flavour, people are more likely to drink it faster than plain water. It will help your kids stay hydrated too if they are not drinking enough water on hot or active days in the sun.

  7. Soda Water with Fruit: an easy classic that can make you feel like you’re drinking vodka sodas all day but really just getting super hydrated! Like the coconut water, add your favourite fruits and herbs and enjoy.

  8. Water Kefir: is packed with probiotics that are gut friendly! Water kefir does not take as long to make as kombucha and I find it to get more fizzy than kombucha. It also has a much more mild flavour than other fermented drinks, so if you do not like acidity this may be the drink for you. The first ferment with kefir grains is only 24-48 hours then you can flavour it with fruit, ginger, turmeric or organic juice and let it ferment another day or two in a sealed bottle to get fizzy. It’s like pop that is good for you, how can you go wrong!?

  9. Nojito: mocktails are always fun because it feels like you are drinking and they are usually so pretty. A mojito is perfect because fresh lime is packed with vitamins, mint is calming on the digestive system and soda water is sugar-free. If you would like to sweeten it up add a pinch of stevia and there will be no effect on blood sugar but a big effect on flavour. You could also add some mango puree or watermelon for a variation.

  10. Virgin Pina Colada: because slushie drinks are fun…and we all know you like getting caught in the rain. Using a classic mix will be packed with sugar, fat, calories and possible artificial flavours. Make your own and it will taste so much fresher and have health benefits from fresh fruit and healthy fats from coconut milk. Bonus: using real pineapple will aid in digestion from the enzyme bromelain (a protease), so you won’t feel as bloated as you would with pineapple juice concentrate. Pineapple can also act as an anti-inflammatory when eaten alone, between meals, so snack on extra between meals this summer.


Virgin Piña Colada

½ cup coconut milk

1 frozen banana

½ cup fresh pineapple

½ lime - juiced

¼ cup coconut water - plus more if needed to blend

1 cup ice cubes

1 tbsp ashwagandha powder or collagen powder (optional)

  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for a minute (or until smooth)

  • Enjoy with a side of sunshine