Lavender Oat Face Mask

Oatmeal is great for all skin types but especially for those with sensitive skin. It is calming and moisturizing, while delivering vitamins and minerals to the tissue. I like to grind it up very fine for a gentle exfoliation as I do have sensitive skin and sometimes eczema outbreaks, but need to get my exfoliation on. Lavender is another great choice for sensitive skin because it has anti-microbial properties for painful acne plus anti-inflammatory properties for redness and scarring. There is lavender growing all over the place in the Okanagan so I always make sure to have some dried on hand for beauty products (and for tea).

Bentonite clay is a powerful detoxing product used in many natural masks, toothpastes and deodorants. I have used it as an armpit detoxer with great results and in homemade toothpastes to draw toxins from the oral cavity. This clay absorbs excess oil and debris from the skin and takes this dirt and debris with it when it is washed off. Bentonite clay also contains many minerals like magnesium, iron and calcium as it comes from volcanic ash, which is packed with minerals from the Earth. These minerals feed your skin with the nutrients it needs to repair damages, protect against the sun and clear fine lines and wrinkles for glowing skin. Some people also consume bentonite clay orally (make sure to buy food grade) to help detox and cleanse the colon. When mixed with water, it acts the same way in the body as it does on the face by binding debris and expelling these toxins with it as it is eliminated from the body. However, as a mask it is perfect to use weekly to add minerals and remove toxin build up from the environment we constantly have bombarding us.


Geranium oil is used on the face as an astringent to strengthen the skin, reduce wrinkles and reduce dryness. And like lavender, it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which is perfect for acne prone sensitive skin. Rose hip oil helps reduce scarring with antioxidants (vitamin A and C) that repair damaged cells and essential fatty acids that reduce inflammation. The fatty acids also deeply moisturize the skin which helps firm up the skin and leave the face looking bright and healthy.

When you put all of these powerful ingredients together, you get a super moisturizing and healing face mask and scrub that will keep your face happy. It is also very important to exfoliate your skin and especially if you are acne prone. Dead skin cells that are not taken off lock dirt and debris under the skin and can lead to mini infections and inflammation expressed as acne and painful bumps. I generally mix this mask with water and let sit for 10-20 minutes then slowly remove with warm water, making sure to exfoliate gently while removing. You can also just mix with a little more water and use a quick scrub or mix with organic honey for an even deeper hydration mask. All options serve your skin well.

Lavender Oat Face Mask


1/3 cup organic oats

2 tbsp dried lavender leaves

3 tbsp bentonite clay

10 drops rose hip essential oil

10 drops geranium essential oil


  1. Place all ingredients in a food processor or high speed blender and blend to a fine powder

  2. Add water or honey into a spreadable paste and rub onto face. Let dry for 10-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water

  3. Keep in a sealed jar for many months
