Fermented Garlic Dill Carrots

First time using the fermentation lids experiment. It is also always good to have ferments on hand for ultimate gut health. i try to eat a little bit go fermented foods daily, whether it be kombucha, fermented vegetables, miso, kimchi or sauerkraut. I also love to have these on hand incase of the dreaded heartburn! Eat a couple fermented carrots or a cup of kombucha and you instantly balance out the acidity. For these carrots, I wanted to mimic the classic pickled carrots I grew up on but instead they are fermented and packed with gut friendly microbes. This is also a starter ferment for my boyfriend who is working his way into cultured foods. Carrots are common to most in the western culture and a great transition food for those who are not all in on sauerkraut and kombucha.

You do not need to have fermentation lids for this recipe, just make sure that the liquid covers all of the food in the jars completely to eliminate mould growth. Also ensure to make sure the lids are not screwed on super tight so come CO2 can escape and as the pressure builds in the jar, the lid will get tighter and harder to remove when they are done. These carrots will be done in about a week, but you could eat them a little earlier or a little later depending on your preferences.

I used organic carrots, garlic and onions with dried dill and chives for this recipe because it is just spring and the garden is not yet producing. I will likely do another ferment with all garden veggies and herbs when they are ready. However, this recipe can therefore be made anytime of year and used as a side, with a chachuterie board, or chopped into a salad for some extra zip.


Fermented Garlic Dill Carrots


500 mL mason jar - cleaned and rinsed with ACV and distilled water

1-2 organic carrots - washed and sliced

2 cloves garlic - sliced

¼ purple onion - sliced

½ tsp dried dill

½ tsp dried chives

⅛ tsp black pepper - ground or whole

1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt

¼ - ½ cup distilled water


  1. Slice carrots into sticks and start placing them tightly into the mason jar. It helps to lay the jar on the side to get them close together

  2. Slice garlic and onion and mix it in with carrots while packing the jar. Once it is as full as you can get it add the dill, chives, pepper and salt.

  3. Top with distilled water until the carrots are all covered. Swirl the jar to mix spices around. You could also use ¼ c water and mix the spices in first before adding it to the carrots, onion and garlic and top with water if needed.

  4. Place clean fermentation lid or screw lid (not too tight) and place in a cool dark place for 5-9 days. You should see bubbles forming which is the CO2 escaping and the fermentation working.

  5. Once fermented to desired, will keep in the fridge for 2 months with a secure lid.